Afternoon Tea

To celebrate Mothering Sunday, we are inviting all Mums and Carers into school for tea and cake on the afternoon of Monday, 20th March, 2:15pm.  There will also be a classroom activity for you to do with your child in class.
For us to make sure we have enough cake 🍰 (can there ever be too much!!) a form will be sent out early next week, to let us know if you can come along. 😀



KS2 Roman Day
On Tuesday 21st March, the children in KS2 will be visited by the ‘History Guy’ who will be leading a full day of Roman activities. The children will take part in: shield games, exploring archaeology boxes, Roman economy activities and practise their javelin skills. For the day, the children are welcome to come to school dressed as a Roman if they would like.
There will be a charge of £5 per child, which is to be paid on ParentPay (please login to your Parent Pay account to see further information).
If you have any questions about the day, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Thank you,
Mrs Gharu

KS2 Christmas Carols – details to follow

KS2 would like to invite you along to our Christmas performance. Children in Class 3, Class 4 and Class 5 will be performing to parents and carers in the hall on Friday 16th December at 9:15AM.