A School Day

 The School Day
8.40am Staff on duty on the playground
8.48am Morning Bell is rung. Children line up with their classes to be led into school by their class teacher for registration.
10.15 – 10.30am Playtime. Two members of staff supervise the children. Children have time to eat their snacks and play games
12 noon Lunch time
1pm Afternoon registration
2.00 – 2.15pm Playtime. Class 1 and 2 only
3.20pm End of the school day – children are collected from the classroom door


If your child is absent from school, please call the school office on the first day of absence, before 9am stating the reason. On subsequent days, you must continue to inform the school office before 9am.


Any child who arrives after 8:55am will be late. Parents/carers must sign their child into school at the main office.

Leave of Absence

Time off must be requested using the school’s leave of absence form. This form can be obtained from the school office.