A reminder of our uniform –
- Children should wear sweatshirts or cardigans in royal blue bearing the school badge.
- White polo shirts should be worn beneath the sweatshirts or cardigans, and we encourage these to be shirts with the school badge.
- Children should wear grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores with these.
- In the summer, cotton dresses in the school colour may be worn and polo shirts can be worn without sweatshirts or cardigans.
- Trainers are not to be worn as part of school uniform.
- Sensible shoes, not boots, are to be worn. These should be dark coloured, have flat soles and should be a waterproof material.
- Jewellery should not be worn other than watches and stud earrings. This jewellery is the responsibility of the children to look after.
- No make-up should be worn by children in school.
- Long hair should be tied back.
Clothes for PE
- For PE children should have; a blue polo shirt, preferably with the school badge so they can wear this when representing the school, blue shorts, a change of socks, pumps and trainers for outdoor P.E.
- During the winter (from October half-term to the end of the spring term), a tracksuit may also be worn.
- No jewellery is to be worn in P.E. A pupil can wear plasters over stud earrings for the first six weeks after having their ears pierced (therefore, we would advise arranging this for a holiday period to reduce the need for this in term time).
- For swimming, children will need an appropriate kit for girls this will be a one piece swimming costume, for boys shorts or trunks but the shorts should not be too baggy to impede swimming. Goggles would also be very useful. Children will need a towel and should have a bag to keep wet kit separate from dry.
A change of footwear should be provided through the winter (from October half-term to the end of the spring term) for lunchtimes so pupils can have access to the playing field.