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Class 2 Homework

Please be aware that the homework menu for Class 2 is for the whole of Autumn 1 term. It is not a week’s worth of homework.

Choose ONE item per week to complete for Maths and English.


Class 2 Times Table Rockstars

Class 2 have made a super start to learning their times tables with a new app, ‘Times Table Rockstars’.

I’m really pleased to see the children logging in, getting their rock star names and rocking those times tables!

Well done to Isla for a very impressive 2900+ score and Zak, who is hot on her heels with 2800 points.

Come on Class 2!

Class 2 Homework

Homework for Class 2.

I have put together a menu of activities to support your child’s learning at home. Please select 1 maths activity and 1 English activity per week and complete in their homework books with the date at the top of the page. These will need to be returned on Wednesday for marking and will be returned on Friday.

There are also some every day activities which are designed to take 5 to 10 minutes, and will help to support your child’s learning in school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Homework-Grid- Maths Class 2 Autumn 1

Homework-Grid-Class 2 Autumn 1


Class 2 Homework – 7th September 2018

Maths: Developing rapid recall of multiplication and division facts for the two times tables.

Online game suggestions:

English: Using commas in a list. Can the children use commas instead of ‘and’ when writing a list?

Class 2 Homework – 6th July 2018

Class 2 Homework for this week.

Reading: Create a book review on your favourite book. Tell me why this is your favourite book. Don’t give too much away about the storyline, but just enough information to make me want to read your book. Can you include lots of adjectives, adverbs, different sentence types?  You can either handwrite your review or type it on the computer.

Maths: Learn x2, x5 and x 10 tables for a game of ’round the world’ next week.


No spellings this week.

Class 2 spellings week commencing 2nd July 2018

To be tested on Friday 6th July 2018


Spelling list 1 (Mrs Morris)


1.    everybody

2.  again

3.  clothes

4.  busy

5.  many

6.  when

7.  because

8.  other

9.  glue

10.               threw



Spelling list 2 (Mrs Horton)


1.    everybody

2.  other

3.  eight

4.  because

5.  when

6.  were

7.  where

8.  again

9.  clothes

10.               many


Class 2 Spellings for Friday 22nd June

Spelling list 1 (Mrs Morris)


1.    looked

2.  called

3.  asked

4.  annoy

5.  girl

6.  skirt

7.  blue

8.  argue

9.  rescue

10.               straw

Spelling list 2 (Mrs Horton)


1.    cheerful

2.  peaceful

3.  beautiful

4.  colourful

5.  countless

6.  careless

7.  helpless


9.  faultless

10.               powerless



Class 2 Spellings 22.6.18

Spelling list 1 (Mrs Morris)


1.    paper

2.  finally

3.  grow

4.  empty

5.  picture

6.  next

7.  colour

8.  some

9.  with

10.               create

Spelling list 2 (Mrs Horton)


1.    finally

2.  paint

3.  empty

4.  picture

5.  think

6.  thing

7.  create

8.  decorate

9.  colour

10.               people


Class 2 Rainforest in a box

In Class 2, we have been learning about Rainforests. The children were set a challenge to create a rainforest in a box. The children have done a wonderful job of demonstrating their learning through labelling the different layers of the rainforest, as well as including the animals found in each layer. Well done!WIN_20180608_144646 WIN_20180608_144624 WIN_20180604_145602 WIN_20180604_145509 WIN_20180604_145354 WIN_20180604_145232 WIN_20180604_145038 WIN_20180604_144857 WIN_20180604_144726 WIN_20180604_144436 WIN_20180604_144318 WIN_20180604_144106 WIN_20180604_143642 WIN_20180604_143337

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